A Charmed Writing Residency at the Hambidge Center for Creative Arts & Sciences
(March 2012)
I stayed in the Old Pottery Studio.

I see a brown door, and I want to paint it black. Nah, I didn't. It was perfect as it was.

Flashlight in my window. Think whatever you'd like.

I lived, and wrote, on this huge screened porch. Mountain folks gathered there for dances over 100 years ago. I whirled like a dervish on it myself a time or two!

Setting up my writing table...

Had to have my music table.
Music always sparks my writing, but I can never listen while writing--it would be like two songs competing.

One of the views from my porch.

"And I shall have some peace there, for peace comes dropping slow"--from The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W.B. Yeats
I kept thinking of this poem by Yeats during my stay.

Spring House

Porch ceiling

Mr. Big, one of the Hambidge cats, purrs if you just look at him. I wish people were more like that.
